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Friday, May 11, 2007


LOOK AT THE titles!!! Since when did I speak German???


Mandy said...

Wow Bi-lingual blog moving on up!!! Your a nut! Love you

Linda Elms said...

LOL! I didn't know you could speak another language! LOL! You're so funny!! I love it!

preacherman23 said...

this is hilarious bro Andrew and this bi-lingual blog is pretty cool and ur doing a good job

Jessica said...

Nice.....Nice, hopefully you fix this one and please o please dont chunk the computer across the room..Lol, your crazy....

Heather Feather said...

nice...I thought I was the only white kid who spoke spanish

shewhohasredhair said...

yeah i dont think thats german.
yeah pretty sure its not.
yeah, its not.
ha, funny.


Anonymous said...

I'm pretty sure that's Spanish, but whatever. Hey this is really cool because now people can come to our blog and have an awareness of what we do because the blog is in another language!! ROCK ON!!!(JK!!!)

AimiBelle said...

¿Qué te pasa?
Lo siento, pero eso es Espanish. ¿Está usted loco en la cabeza? LOL. Just kidding. Funny, no? No? FINE!!! BEE like that!!!! Jk. Love ya'll!!!

Kassie said...

that's pretty funny oh wise one.... :)

AimiBelle said...

HEY! You DO realize that the blog says "Stay up to date with LIFEalive..." don't you? How can we if YOU don't??? SLACKERS!!! lol. I'm just kidding. But, no...y'all gotta blog already. MAY? SERIOUSLY? :)

andrew said...

yeah um. guys i hate to tell you this but uh. your a little behind on the times.its the first month of 08. come on lets get goin here.

Joseph James said...

This place isn't very alive.

Joseph James said...
